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Recent Successes

Crime Charged Aggravated Mayhem
Maximum Jail Sentence Life
Prosecutor’s Jail Offer
Courthouse Los Angeles (CCB)
Crime Charged Possession for Sale
Maximum Jail Sentence 29 years
Prosecutor’s Jail Offer 60 months
Courthouse Norwalk
Crime Charged Identity Theft
Maximum Jail Sentence 30 months
Prosecutor’s Jail Offer 18 months
Courthouse Burbank
Crime Charged Resisting Arrest
Maximum Jail Sentence 12 months
Prosecutor’s Jail Offer 6 months
Courthouse Airport
Crime Charged Possession for Sale
Maximum Jail Sentence 48 months
Prosecutor’s Jail Offer 16 months
Courthouse Long Beach
Crime Charged Criminal Threats
Maximum Jail Sentence 48 months
Prosecutor’s Jail Offer 16 months
Courthouse Norwalk
Crime Charged Assault w/ Deadly Weapon
Maximum Jail Sentence 48 months
Prosecutor’s Jail Offer
Courthouse Airport
Crime Charged Burglary
Maximum Jail Sentence 72 months
Prosecutor’s Jail Offer
Courthouse Torrance
Crime Charged Unpermitted Alcohol Sales
Maximum Jail Sentence 6 months
Prosecutor’s Jail Offer
Courthouse Los Angeles (CCB)
Crime Charged Spousal Abuse
Maximum Jail Sentence 12 months
Prosecutor’s Jail Offer 3 months
Courthouse Los Angeles (CCB)
Crime Charged Spousal Abuse
Maximum Jail Sentence 12 months
Prosecutor’s Jail Offer
Courthouse Rancho Cucamonga
Crime Charged Grand Theft
Maximum Jail Sentence 36 months
Prosecutor’s Jail Offer
Courthouse West Covina
Crime Charged Maximum Jail Sentence Prosecutor’s Jail Offer Result Courthouse
Aggravated Mayhem Life NO JAIL TIME Los Angeles (CCB)
Possession for Sale 29 years 60 months NO JAIL TIME Norwalk
Identity Theft 30 months 18 months NO JAIL TIME Burbank
Resisting Arrest 12 months 6 months NO JAIL TIME Airport
Possession for Sale 48 months 16 months NO JAIL TIME Long Beach
Criminal Threats 48 months 16 months NO JAIL TIME Norwalk
Assault w/ Deadly Weapon 48 months NO JAIL TIME Airport
Burglary 72 months NO JAIL TIME Torrance
Unpermitted Alcohol Sales 6 months NO JAIL TIME Los Angeles (CCB)
Spousal Abuse 12 months 3 months NO JAIL TIME Los Angeles (CCB)
Spousal Abuse 12 months NO JAIL TIME Rancho Cucamonga
Grand Theft 36 months NO JAIL TIME West Covina
Jon was accused of three counts of felony identity theft and credit card fraud. He was facing 30 months in state prison. The District Attorney recommended to the judge that Jon serve just 18 months. Instead, the Law Offices of Kevin Gres investigated his case, worked it up from the bottom, and was able to convince the District Attorney and Court to sentence Jon to 18 months of summary probation, no felonies, and no jail time. Case Closed.
Then there was Mike. Charged with resisting arrest and being drunk in public, Mike was facing 18 months in county jail. The District Attorney requested that Mike serve 36 months on probation, attend dozens of mandatory Alcoholics Anonymous classes and Anger Management classes and pay thousands of dollars in fines and fees. After a ruthless investigation, the Law Offices of Kevin Gres discovered crucial errors in the police reports. On the day of trial, the District Attorney relented, and Mike pleaded to a ticket No fines. No classes. No probation. No jail. No problem.
John found himself in a heap of trouble Christmas morning. He stood accused of violating P.C. §205, Aggravated Mayhem (the malicious disfigurement of another) when a bar fight took a turn for the worse. He was looking at serving a life sentence in state prison and bail stood at no less than $1,000,000. John and his family swiftly retained the Law Offices of Kevin Gres. First, we convinced the Judge to lower bail by $950,000. Once we secured John’s release, my team and I quickly began a tedious investigation in an all-out effort to dismantle the District Attorney’s case. One crack at a time, we began to chip away. 102 days after the alleged incident occurred, the District Attorney was forced to admit that his case had crumbled like a cookie. All charges were dismissed. No plea deal, no conviction, no prison time. John went from life with the possibility of parole, to a life full of newfound potential.
Jose, along with a group of friends, decided to rent a social space and throw the party of the century. The music was booked, the booze was bought, and the invitations emailed. However, the LAPD’s Vice Unit and California’s Alcohol Beverage Control had other plans. Dozens of officers and ABC agents swarmed Jose’s soirée. They demanded to see liquor licenses, entertainment licenses, all of which were nonexistent. Jose was pegged as the man responsible for this “illegal” party. He was facing 2 years in jail and thousands of dollars in fines. Jose was quickly referred to my office and following a thorough investigation and a series of hard-nosed negotiations with the Los Angeles City Attorney’s Office, the charges were completely dismissed without a conviction.
23-year-old Jason was charged with possession of a controlled substance with the intent to sell, in violation of Health and Safety Section 11351, a felony. He got caught up with the wrong group of friends, and now he was paying the price. He was facing 4 years in State Prison. Things looked bleak. But with a knack for finding leverage, we exploited and magnified weaknesses in the case, which quickly got us the ear of the supervising prosecutor. After months of ping-pong-like negotiations, Jason would serve just 18 months on summary probation, complete a few drug education classes, and sidestep prison and jail entirely. The prosecutor even agreed to dismiss the case once Jason completed his classes.
Davionne was a 20-year-old college student. After school, she worked at a nail salon to earn some extra cash. Unfortunately, she gave into to poor judgement and started removing money from the cash register. The owner realized what was happening and immediately called the police. Davionne made a call of her own — to the Law Offices of Kevin Gres. Many attorneys would just wait until she was formally charged to act, but not us. She needed this nipped in the bud fast, before she got charged with Grand Theft, which carries a punishment of up to 3 years in prison, and would almost certainly end her career hopes. In just 48 hours we signed a civil confidentiality agreement with the storeowner, and convinced the police to allow the parties to amicably resolve this situation on their own. No charges were filed and everyone was happy.
While visiting Los Angeles on a five-day business trip, Pedro and his friend were arrested for trafficking over 2 kilograms of cocaine. Undercover narcotic agents swarmed their hotel room and seized the drugs along with cell phones, computers and various visas and passports. It looked bad. The prosecutor told me at Pedro’s first court date that “Pedro was out of luck, they were both caught red-handed.” Pedro maintained his innocence. He claimed he was unaware of the presence of the cocaine in his room. The prosecutor, the police, all laughed. Everyone laughed except for the Law Offices of Kevin Gres. We spent days combing the neighborhood for surveillance footage and evidence (all of which was ignored by detectives). After weeks of a painstaking investigation and various evidentiary motions, we pieced together a timeline of Pedro’s whereabouts. The evidence we obtained contradicted the prosecutor’s witnesses and cast a cloud of suspicion over the entire case. Seven days before the preliminary hearing, the case against Pedro was dismissed for “insufficient evidence.” Pedro’s friend received a 5-year jail sentence.
Shawn was arrested and accused of threatening to kill his neighbor. Shawn had tattoos, an extensive criminal history, and was facing 3 years in prison with a Strike. The prosecutor offered to settle the case for 16 months in prison with a strike. We kindly rejected the offer. After filing over six discovery motions, and several other evidentiary motions, we obtained circumstantial evidence that the victim was fabricating this entire story. On cross examination at the preliminary hearing, the victim was caught in dozens of direct factual contradictions. You could cut the tension in the courtroom with a knife. The awkwardness was palpable. After the lunch recess the preliminary hearing was set to resume. However, the victim refused to take the stand. Even she was embarrassed at the nonsense she was making up. The case quickly vanished.
Simon lived in a duplex. He never really got along with his neighbor, but things were always civil. One evening they coincidentally met outside of their homes. Yelling led to finger pointing and finger pointing led to pushing. Before they knew it, they were in a brawl. To make matters worse, during the fight, Simon pulled out a small knife. Simon was arrested for Assault with a Deadly Weapon. He was facing 3 years in prison. Simon quickly retained the Law Offices of Kevin Gres. We negotiated with the prosecutors for weeks. Just weeks after the incident, the prosecutors decided to not file charges against Simon. Case rejected.